At Artcal we understand the seriousness and concern surrounding the current pandemic and want to extend our sympathies to all who have been affected directly by this virus.
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, Artcal Graphics & Printing Inc. will be CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. We are currently fully operational and staff are available to provide quotes, take orders and answer questions via phone and email at this time.
We are encouraging those who can work from home to do so and are limiting contact with our remaining staff and the public wherever possible. We do have employees who have travelled recently and they are currently self-quarantined for 14 days and working from home but are not exhibiting any symptoms.
All “pick up” orders will be shipped via local courier services and ALL DELIVERIES MUST BE MADE TO OUR SHIPPING & RECEIVING DEPARTMENT, located at the rear of our building.
The health of our Employees, Clients and Suppliers is our main priority at this time and we will continue to monitor the status of COVID-19 and take actions as needed in the upcoming weeks.
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding as we work through this situation together.
Artcal Graphics & Printing Inc.
Management Team